Mp3 Download song Ember Swift The Night FREE Mp3 Download Song Lyrics. Ember Swift song lyrics

Ember Swift - The Night Lyrics

Sad state of those black, night streets infected with eyes; their gaze, trying to suck me into the alleyways. We try to stand out in safety but we need to fade to grey, get lost in the night in order to be safe in the night. But, I still stand out tonight. Can't believe such cold, dirt blackness. I think I need to scrub my eyes I want to step out of my skin. I think I really want to shed these sights. But, y'know, this is the other half of Real. This is the Dark Side. Night falls and out crawls those who are unwelcome in the day. Like bats and insects, they are only seen in the darkness These are the defectors from the system, they have lost their place in line and this city is breathing, choking there is no peace here. I'm tying to figure out what it is I am missing but the Night is so unclear. It is so unclear. I know how it is, I know exactly how it is: Sleep through the Night, wake up to day. Forget about the Night, clean up the day I guess if it's out of sight, it is out of the way. Who encouraged us to think in "black and white," "day and night" Oh, Night is like a terrible secret you never hear in the day. Night is like this city's toilet where half the truth is flushed but it does not go away, no it does not go away, no no I suggest you wake up, take a walk around your city block at 2am Because I know you think this city is growing daily, but it's dying Nightl
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